8 Hours IN CLASS of Fair Housing

8 Hours IN CLASS of Fair Housing




8 Hours Pre Licensing Fair Housing, Life/Disaster Planning & Maint. & Const. For Property Managers

This day of class is the most recent known Fair Housing Rules, Regulations and Decisions. In this discussion, it includes all “Practical Applications of what happens in real life every day”. We cover extensively Companion/Service and Comfort Animals and the options management has in controlling their entry and residing on the property. We also cover the very complicated and important issues of reasonable accommodation and modifications. Many Fair Housing issues that are coming to the forefront of our industry daily!

You are welcome to enter a new and exciting “ever-changing” world of opportunities in the world of property management or get caught up on your current knowledge of what is new and happening these days for your continuing education credits.

Property owners looking to take the law portion (view here) and fair housing courses (this course) can omit the 40 hours fundamentals of Property Management

Materials will be distributed in class.

No refunds, can reschedule to next available date class is offered.
If you are sick and/or not feeling well you will not be admitted to class and you will need to call before class begins and reschedule the class.